Christologie z pomezí

Christologie z pomezí

Jandejsek, Petr

The theology of religion, various forms of postmodern theology and the theology of liberation have been some the most often discussed are...

Jacques Dupuis, Roger Haight a Jon Sobrino

published: october 2019
recommended price: 320 czk


Kotvy na nebesích

Kotvy na nebesích

Brague, Rémi

Rémi Brague leads us to reject the idea that modern man living in the "post-metaphysical" era, which is the cultural heritage of the Enli...

Metafyzická základna života

published: october 2019
recommended price: 240 czk


A Czech Dreambook

A Czech Dreambook

Vaculík, Ludvík

It’s 1979 in Czechoslovakia, ten years into the crushing restoration of repressive communism known as normalization, and Ludvík Vaculík h...

published: october 2019
recommended price: 540 czk


Sto studentských revolucí

Sto studentských revolucí

Vaněk, Miroslav a kol.

This book presents the unique testimony of hundreds of student participants in the November 1989 Revolution, which it uses to depict life...

Studenti v období pádu komunismu – životopisná vyprávění

published: october 2019
recommended price: 890 czk


Antropologie turismu

Antropologie turismu

Půtová, Barbora

“Anthropology of tourism” is a relatively new sub-discipline and thematic area of socio-cultural anthropology, which is being gradually e...

published: october 2019
recommended price: 320 czk


Bohumil Hrabal

Bohumil Hrabal

Pelán, Jiří

Described as “one of the great prose stylists of the twentieth century,” Bohumil Hrabal ranks among the most important and widely transla...

A Full-length Portrait

published: october 2019
recommended price: 260 czk
