Instability in the Middle East

Instability in the Middle East

Černý, Karel

Middle Eastern instability is manifest externally in many ways: by crises afflicting governing regimes, the rise of political Islam, terr...

Structural Changes and Uneven Modernisation 1950–2015

published: july 2017
recommended price: 600 czk


Být místem Bytí

Být místem Bytí

Michálek, Jiří

The differences in philosophy of Martin Heidegger before and after the turnover, “the Turning” (die Kehre) in his thinking is not always ...

Tři příspěvky ke studiu Martina Heideggera

published: july 2017
recommended price: 110 czk


Spinoza a politika

Spinoza a politika

Balibar, Étienne

Étienne Balibar (1942), Louise Althusser’s student, is one of the most significant contemporary political thinkers. His book, Spinoza and...

published: june 2017
recommended price: 190 czk


O chalupách a lidech

O chalupách a lidech

Schindler-Wisten, Petra

A majority of Czech population is familiar, either through direct experience or indirectly, with the phenomenon of spending time at weeke...

Chalupářství v českých zemích v období tzv. normalizace a transformace

published: june 2017
recommended price: 270 czk


The Cremator (paperback)

The Cremator (paperback)

Fuks, Ladislav

“The devil’s neatest trick is to persuade us that he doesn’t exist.” It is a maxim that both rings true in our contemporary world and per...

published: june 2017
recommended price: 200 czk


Pud u Freuda

Pud u Freuda

Kučera, Miloš

This monograph is an introduction to Freud’s teachings, examining Freud’s way of thinking, his reactions to different discrepancies and t...

published: june 2017
recommended price: 470 czk
