Automobilista v zajetí reality

Automobilista v zajetí reality

Štemberk, Jan

This book follows the development of the legal regulation of motorism from its beginnings through the 1950s. The first half of the 20th c...

Vývoj pravidel silničního provozu v českých zemích v první polovině 20. století

published: july 2008
recommended price: 170 czk


Averzivní demokracie

Averzivní demokracie

Norval, Aletta J.

Events which have occurred in the past decades since the fall of the authoritarian regimes in Eastern Europe, including the color revolut...

published: september 2016
recommended price: 280 czk


Baden, Kostolac, Vučedol and Vinkovci

Baden, Kostolac, Vučedol and Vinkovci

Brnić, Želimir

The book treats three primary themes. The first covers the Baden, Kostolac/Bošáca and Vučedol cultures, demonstrating their genetic relat...

The Late Eneolithic, Transition Period, and Early Bronze Age in the Carpathian Basin and the Western Balkans

published: may 2023
recommended price: 540 czk


Baroque Prague

Baroque Prague

Vlnas, Vít

Lushly illustrated with more than two hundred color plates, including both historical images and contemporary photographs of architectura...

published: december 2024
recommended price: 800 czk
