Česky, prosím I

Česky, prosím I

Cvejnová, Jitka

The first part of a new set of modern communication-based textbooks of Czech for foreigners is intended for beginners among young adults ...

published: july 2019
recommended price: 620 czk


Na rozhraních fenomenologie

Na rozhraních fenomenologie

Janicaud, Dominique

Edmund Husserl defined a new philosophical theme: the field of experience. When Emmanuel Levinas speaks about Desire and the Other, to wh...

Transcendence, jevení a zkušenost

published: may 2019
recommended price: 260 czk


Čtvrt století střední Evropy

Čtvrt století střední Evropy

Křen, Jan

25 Years of Central Europe focuses on the recent history of the Visegrad Four countries, which places them in the context of European and...

Visegrádské země v globálním příběhu let 1992–2017

published: may 2019
recommended price: 390 czk


Temný kontinent

Temný kontinent

Mazower, Mark

Mark Mazower’s Europe is not a continent of old countries and nations, but in many respects, it is very new and in the course of the 20th...

Evropa ve 20. století

published: may 2019
recommended price: 450 czk
