

Havlíček, Marek Aurel

This book is based on long-term research conducted in areas inhabited by Buryats, where the scholar spent several years witnessing the pr...

tradice a současnost burjatských šamanů

published: december 2020
recommended price: 330 czk


Brány pekelné ji nepřemohou

Brány pekelné ji nepřemohou

Kubín, Petr (ed.)

This book contains papers from the academic colloquium, The Persecution of the Roman-Catholic Church in Czechoslovakia in 1948–1960, orga...

Kapitoly z pronásledování církví v Československu kolem roku 1950

published: february 2013
recommended price: 145 czk


Břevno v oku

Břevno v oku

Koukolík, František

This new collection of fifty essays with the subheading People in 2022 is loosely based on the concept and structure of the previous book...

Lidé v roce 2022

published: march 2022
recommended price: 340 czk


Bubáci pro všední den

Bubáci pro všední den

Michal, Karel

With famous Everyday Spooks (orig. publ. 1961), Prague-born Karel Michal presents an unforgettable assortment of fantastic creatures that...

published: october 2008
recommended price: 295 czk


Bůh uprostřed své církve

Bůh uprostřed své církve

Roubík, Pavel

This monograph is the first to present work of the Erlangen-based systematic theologian Friedrich Mildenberger. His Biblical Dogmatics in...

Teologie Friedricha Mildenbergera

published: april 2020
recommended price: 490 czk


Burgundský stát

Burgundský stát

Schnerb, Bertrand

Bertrand Schnerb's book presents a synthesis of the Burgundian state at the end of the Middle Ages. Alongside parts of northern Italy, th...


published: february 2023
recommended price: 410 czk
