Prostory vzpomínání

Prostory vzpomínání

Assmannová, Aleida

Individuals as well as entire cultures maintain memories, creating their "memory.” This allows them to define their identity and legitima...

Podoby a proměny kulturní paměti

published: november 2018
recommended price: 420 czk


Proti Benešovi!

Proti Benešovi!

Kuklík, JanNěmeček, Jan

This monograph is first ever attempt by Czech authors to methodically analyse Czech and Slovak political groups which, during WWII, stood...

Česká a slovenská protibenešovská opozice v Londýně 1939–1945

published: february 2004
recommended price: 450 czk


Proud času

Proud času

Stříbrný, Zdeněk

This book contains selected essays by professor of the history of English and American literature Zdeněk Stříbrný from 1965 to 2000. The ...

Stati o Shakespearovi

published: november 2005
recommended price: 295 czk
