Jan Koblasa
Nešlehová, Mahulena – Hlaváček, JosefJan Koblasa belongs to the most important European sculptors of the second half of the 20th century. His expressive and symbolic, avant-g...
published: march 2002
recommended price: 390 czk
Jugoslávie a východní blok 1953–1956
Pelikán, JanBased on the detailed study of archive material from the former Yugoslavia, the historian Jan Pelikán follows the position of Yugoslavia ...
published: march 2002
recommended price: 365 czk
Německá (Karlova) univerzita od Mnichova k 9. květnu 1945
Míšková, AlenaIn this publication describing the development of the German University in Prague in the years 1939–45, the author elaborately notes its ...
published: march 2002
recommended price: 325 czk
Diagnostika. Pedagogickopsychologická diagnostika žáka s úvodem do diagnostické aplikace statistiky
Hrabal, Vladimír
published: march 2002
recommended price: 155 czk
Encyklopedie Jiřího Suchého 9
Suchý, JiříThe ninth volume of The Encyclopaedia of Jiří Suchý comprises the theatre scripts of the first three seasons of the Semafor Theatre. The ...
Divadlo 1959–1962
published: february 2002
recommended price: 305 czk
Principy, teorie a metody auxologie
Šmahel, Zbyněk
published: january 2002
recommended price: 155 czk
Promotio Doctoralis A. I. Schamsky
Mouchová, Bohumila – Smazalová, Jaromíra – Beránek, Karel – Petráň, Josef – Šachová, BlankaThis really unique English-Latin book is a reprint of an interesting small work, published on the occassion of the honorable admittion of...
published: december 2001
recommended price: 1170 czk
Dílo 2
Šiktanc, KarelThe second volume of Karel Šiktanc's works contains three collections of hitherto unpublished verse and poetic prose which were created 1...
published: december 2001
recommended price: 200 czk
Promotio Doctoralis A. I. Schamsky (česko-latinská)
Petráň, JosefThis really unique English-Latin book is a reprint of an interesting small work, published on the occassion of the honorable admittion of...
published: december 2001
recommended price: 780 czk
Válečné deníky Jana Opočenského
Němeček, Jan – Čechurová, Jana – Kuklík, Jan – Čechura, JaroslavThe London diaries of the historian and diplomat Jan Opočenský represent an every-day written description of the period from June 1940 to...
published: december 2001
recommended price: 505 czk