České důchody

České důchody

Potůček, Martin

The publication is intended to present the current pension system. The author, who was chairman of the retirement commission between 2014...

published: march 2019
recommended price: 240 czk


Čtvrtá revoluce

Čtvrtá revoluce

Floridi, Luciano

The evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT) radically transforms not only how we understand the world and how we co...

Jak infosféra mění tvář lidské reality

published: february 2019
recommended price: 320 czk


Příběh ruské geopolitiky

Příběh ruské geopolitiky

Kurfürst, Jaroslav

Throughout history, Russian thinkers, geographers and statesmen have come with visions of the role and place of their great country in ci...

Jak se ruská myšlenka zmocnila více než šestiny světa

published: february 2019
recommended price: 310 czk
