Právněhistorické studie / Legal History Studies (Charles University journal; below referred to as PHS or Journal) is a scientific journal listed in the international prestigious database SCOPUS. The journal is published by Charles University in Prague under the guarantee of the Department of Legal History of the Faculty of Law of Charles University. It is published by the Karolinum Press. The journal focuses on the field of legal history and related topics.

Issue 1 of the Journal was published by the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Publishing in June 1955. The Journal was initially published by the Cabinet of Legal History of the Czechoslovak Academy of Science (CSAV), later by the Institute of State and Law (CSAV) and then by the Institute of Legal History of the Faculty of Law of Charles University.

PHS is issued three times a year in April, August, and December and it presents original scientific works/papers as well as reviews, annotations and news from the scientific field of legal history. It also introduces annotated texts of a legal history nature. PHS accepts manuscripts from domestic as well as foreign authors. Manuscripts submitted by foreign authors are published in original language, namely in English, Slovak, German, French, Italian or Polish.

PHS (ISSN 0079-4929) is registered in the Czech national ISSN centre (supervised by the State Technical Library). The Journal is registered by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic according to Act No. 46/2000 Sb., on Rights and Liabilities for the Publishing of Periodicals and Change of Some Acts (Press Act), and it is allocated with registration number of periodical press MK E 18813.

PHS is an open journal and ensures open access to scientific data (Open Access). The entire content is released as open to the public on the web pages of the journal.

The journal is archived in Portico.

PRÁVNĚHISTORICKÉ STUDIE, Vol 54 No 2 (2024), 53–63

Alois Rašín, Československo a moc ustavující

[Alois Rašín, Czechoslovakia and the Constituent Power]

Ondřej Preuss

published online: 24. 09. 2024


The article discusses the concept of constituent and constituted power in the context of the establishment of the Czechoslovak state in 1918 – the constitutional revolution, with a particular focus on the role of Alois Rašín, a key figure in this process of discontinuity from the existing regime. However, the distinction between constituent and constituted power fails to explain how a new legal order arises without overly idealizing the constituent power. Author suggests focusing on specific values, such as democracy, political rights guarantees, and equality, rather than on the ephemeral nature of power during the creation of a new regime.

keywords: constituent power; constituted power; Czechoslovakia; Alois Rašín; constitution

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Creative Commons License
Alois Rašín, Československo a moc ustavující is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

240 x 170 mm
periodicity: 3 x per year
print price: 250 czk
ISSN: 0079-4929
E-ISSN: 2464-689X
