Acta Universitatis Carolinae Iuridica (AUC Iuridica) is a legal journal published since 1955, which presents longer essays as well as short articles on topics relevant for legal theory and international, European and Czech law. It also publishes works concerning current legislative problems.

Although intended primarily for domestic audience, AUC Iuridica is useful also for foreign experts, who can take advantage of summaries in foreign languages (English, German and French) and key words, which are systematically added to the main articles and essays.

The published articles are subject to peer reviews. If necessary, reviewed texts are sent back to the author for revision.

AUC Iuridica accepts contributions from any contributor on any current legal topic.

The journal is registered in the Czech National Bibliography (kept by the National Library of the Czech Republic) and in the Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (kept by the American Association of Law Libraries).

The journal is archived in Portico.


We are pleased to inform you that the journal Acta Universitatis Carolinae Iuridica was the first journal of the Faculty of Law of Charles University to be included in the prestigious international database SCOPUS. This Elsevier database is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature in the world. The editors of the journal expect from the inclusion in the elite SCOPUS database not only an increase in the readership of the journal, but also an increase in interest in the publication of papers by both Czech and foreign authors.

AUC IURIDICA, Vol 67 No 4 (2021), 61–76

Režimy správního práva

[Administrative Law Regimes]

Josef Staša

published online: 07. 12. 2021


The administrative law regime means a typical legal construction, which expresses the way of connecting an administrative law norm with this norm anticipated administrative law relationship through a certain legally significant fact. From the point of view of public administration addressees, it is appropriate to differ regimes of granting rights and regimes of imposing obligations primarily. Many regimes have a superstructure (secondary) nature, they assume the earlier existence of other (primary) rights and obligations. In addition to unilateral regimes, there are also bilateral or multilateral regimes of administrative law, which are an expression of cooperation in connection with the performance of public administration. From the point of view of public administration bodies, it is possible to distinguish several (administrative) regimes of exercise of their competence (powers). A kind of complement is the regimes that determine the boundaries of administrative regulation (between public law and civil law; between national law and European law). The application of some regimes or their combination typically results in the general administrative law concepts (= the tangles of administrative law norms cemented by the need and effort to solve certain idealized situations, deprived of their specific content). The research of administrative law regimes may perhaps contribute to a more plastic and systematic doctrinal characterization of material administrative law.

keywords: administrative law; administrative law norm; legally significant fact; administrative law relationship; administrative law regime; general administrative law concept

references (8)

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3. HENDRYCH, D. a kol. Správní právo: obecná část. 9. vyd. Praha: C. H. Beck, 2016.

4. HOETZEL, J. Československé správní právo: část všeobecná. Praha: Melantrich, 1934.

5. KADEČKA, S. (ed.). Pocta Petru Průchovi. Praha: Vysoká škola aplikovaného práva, 2009.

6. KNAPP, V. Předmět a systém československého socialistického práva občanského. Praha: Nakladatelství Československé akademie věd, 1959.

7. KOPECKÝ, M. Správní právo: obecná část. Praha: C. H. Beck, 2019.

8. LUKEŠ, Z. a kol. Československé správní právo: obecná část. Praha: Panorama, 1981.

Creative Commons License
Režimy správního práva is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

230 x 157 mm
periodicity: 4 x per year
print price: 65 czk
ISSN: 0323-0619
E-ISSN: 2336-6478
