Multidisciplinární lékařský časopis uveřejňující původní vědecké práce z teoretických a klinických oborů se souhrny v angličtině, práce zahraničních autorů v angličtině. V kapitole "Ze života fakulty" jsou uvedeny osobní zprávy, zprávy o činnosti fakulty za uplynulý rok a úplná bibliografie ústavů a klinik lékařské fakulty v daném roce. Časopis vychází od roku 1956.

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PLZEŇSKÝ LÉKAŘSKÝ SBORNÍK, Vol 2018 No 84 (2018), 103–109

Jedna z nových možností vyhodnocení Wingate testu v 3D

[New method of Wingate test evaluation by 3D projection]

M. Štork, J. Novák

zveřejněno: 12. 12. 2018


The Wingate Anaerobic test (WAT) is used world-wide and is considered the most popular test of anaerobic physical performance. The test is based on biking performance at maximal intensity, for 30 seconds duration, against a high braking force. This force remains constant throughout the test but, because it is so high, the subject cannot maintain the initial velocity for more than a few seconds, before starting to slow down. Mechanical power is measured during whole 30 seconds. The test is used for evaluation of anaerobic lactate capacity. Generally accepted performance indices of WAT are peak power, mean power and fatigue index. Lactic and alactic anaerobic energy outputs could be calculated from net lactate production and the fast component of the kinetics of post-exercise oxygen uptake. Some new devices also enable fast sampling of workload intensity and measured data and therefore enable to obtain more information from test. In this paper the some new possibilities of evaluation of WAT are described, e.g. display of one or more examinations in one two-dimensional graph, display of one or more examinations in one three-dimensional graph etc. Also mathematical model of the data obtained from examined person, e.g. heart rate versus load, was found.

157 x 230 mm
vychází: 1 x ročně
ISSN: 0551-1038

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