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PLZEŇSKÝ LÉKAŘSKÝ SBORNÍK, Vol 2017 No 83 (2017), 117–122

Ipsilaterální zlomeniny pánve, acetabula a femuru – floating hip: naše výsledky a komplikace

[Floating hip injuries, treatment outcomes and complications]

T. Pavelka, M. Salášek, D. Weisová

zveřejněno: 04. 10. 2017


Injury to the femur concomitant with pelvic and/or acetabular fractures are serious traumatic events requiring a correct evaluation of the patient’s general health status and soft tissue conditions as well as an appropriate treatment timing. The general healt status of the patient after traumatic injury is decisive for choosing amongst treatment options of damage control surgery, primary temporary stabilisation and the definitive stabilisation. Early definitive stabilisation gives best results. Of 18 patiens with type A frractures ( pelvic ring and diafyseal fractures), 14 (80%) had excellent and fout (20%) had good results. The outcome of type B fractures (acetabular and femoral fractures were excellent in 16 (43%), very good in 13 (36%), good in four (14%) and poor in two (7%). In the sub-group of seven patients with type C fractures (fractures of teh pelvic ring and acetabulum with concomitant femoral fracture), the results were satisfactory in five patients (72%) good in one (14%) and poor also in one patient (14%). The results do not differ from those of treatment for isolated injury. They are related to types of fracture and experience of the operating team. Complications in floating hip injuries are not higher in number, but their combination may have unpleasant consequence.

157 x 230 mm
vychází: 1 x ročně
ISSN: 0551-1038

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