Encyklopedie Jiřího Suchého 8

Encyklopedie Jiřího Suchého 8

Suchý, Jiří

The eighth volume of The Encyclopaedia of Jiří Suchý starts a series containing all theatre works of the author. The individual theatre p...

Divadlo 1951–1959

published: november 2001
recommended price: 290 czk


Encyklopedie Jiřího Suchého 9

Encyklopedie Jiřího Suchého 9

Suchý, Jiří

The ninth volume of The Encyclopaedia of Jiří Suchý comprises the theatre scripts of the first three seasons of the Semafor Theatre. The ...

Divadlo 1959–1962

published: february 2002
recommended price: 305 czk


Faust jako stav zadlužení

Faust jako stav zadlužení

Just, Vladimír

The story of Doctor Faustus represents one of the oldest and most significant European myths, whose topicality has recently been on an in...

Jedenáctkrát o Faustovi, pokaždé jinak

published: january 2024
recommended price: 250 czk


Gérard de Nerval a jeho dvojenec

Gérard de Nerval a jeho dvojenec

Christov, Petr

Gérard de Nerval, playwright and poet, one of the most significant figures of French romanticism, defies a rigid classification as any tr...

Divadlo francouzského romantismu očima melancholika

published: june 2017
recommended price: 360 czk


Melpoména v okovech?

Melpoména v okovech?

Šuman, Záviš

This book, written by Romance studies expert Záviš Šuman and named after Melpomene, a Muse of tragedy and chorus, focuses on the Aristote...

Povahokresba ve francouzské tragédii 17. století

published: august 2019
recommended price: 380 czk




Moree, Dana

How should we work with mixed groups? This is a question Dana Moree asks along with almost fifty participants of mixed Roma and non-Roma ...

published: april 2022
recommended price: 240 czk
