Lokální politiky integrace migrantů a jejich strukturální mechanismy
Jelínková, Marie (ed.)Srovnávací studie Česka, Slovenska, Německa a Belgie
published: september 2023
recommended price: 240 czk
Srovnávací studie Česka, Slovenska, Německa a Belgie
published: september 2023
recommended price: 240 czk
The book brings together the perspectives of two authors on the collaboration between general practice and assessment medicine. Issues of...
Otázky a odpovědi z praxe
published: november 2023
recommended price: 170 czk
The publication explores migrant integration in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Belgium (Flanders) and Germany (Bavaria) with the aim to un...
published: november 2023
Pastorační služba církve v kontextu tradice a současnosti
published: february 2024
recommended price: 430 czk
The publication "Deprivation in Childhood" by J. Langmeier and Z. Matějček met with considerable response after its first publication in ...
published: march 2024
recommended price: 390 czk
The book deals with a hitherto neglected topic: the impact of the imprisonment of a parent on a child (so-called invisible victim of crim...
Dopady věznění rodiče na dítě
published: march 2024
recommended price: 260 czk