Ježíš a mýtus o Kristu
Funda, Otakar A.This essay is written from the viewpoint of rigorous religious studies. This means that the author, while refraining from being bound by ...
published: october 2013
recommended price: 190 czk
This essay is written from the viewpoint of rigorous religious studies. This means that the author, while refraining from being bound by ...
published: october 2013
recommended price: 190 czk
This book focuses on the Czech religious scene in the past two decades as has been captured by academic quantitative research of religion...
published: october 2013
recommended price: 180 czk
Según señala el título (Los franciscanos y el contacto delenguas y culturas), el libro pasa revista a ocho siglos de las actividades de l...
published: july 2013
recommended price: 285 czk
The book Contemporary Funeral Rituals takes you inside the fascinating world of the Sa’dan Toraja, who inhabit the Indonesian island of S...
From Aluk Todolo to “New” Religions
published: july 2013
recommended price: 240 czk
This book contains papers from the academic colloquium, The Persecution of the Roman-Catholic Church in Czechoslovakia in 1948–1960, orga...
Kapitoly z pronásledování církví v Československu kolem roku 1950
published: february 2013
recommended price: 145 czk
This book is available in the PDF format free of charges.
published: october 2012
Disputation was the proper field of Bishop Sāwīrus. While he jokingly contended Muslims and Jews alike, in his History of the Councils he...
Křesťané a muslimové ve fátimovském Egyptě
published: october 2012
recommended price: 270 czk
This books attempts to outline the reality of today's Holy Land through interviews with local inhabitants. The first part captures the so...
published: september 2012
recommended price: 165 czk
This monograph uses an analysis and interpretation of the Apology of Tertullian (2nd century) to trace the changes in the self-concept of...
Recepce pojmu religio v Tertuliánově Apologetiku
published: 2012
recommended price: 260 czk
This publication deals with Czech moral theology from its beginnings in the last quarter of the 19th century to the mid-twentieth century...
Česká katolická morální teologie 1884–1948
published: december 2011
recommended price: 375 czk
This book on the theology of church by Johann Adam Möhler (1796–1838) takes us to the periods of the Enlightenment and romanticism, which...
Ekleziologie J. A. Möhlera
published: october 2011
recommended price: 335 czk
Richar Rorty and Gianni Vattimo, two leading world philosophers, have different intellectual backgrounds; however, what they have in comm...
published: september 2011
recommended price: 125 czk