České spory o liberalismus

České spory o liberalismus

Znoj, Milan

The book analyses two czech disputes over liberalism in which two leading czech intellectuals and politicians were participants – T. G. M...

Masaryk a Havel

published: april 2024
recommended price: 320 czk


Jaký život je hoden žití?

Jaký život je hoden žití?

Schmitzová, Barbara

What can philosophy gain from becoming more perceptive to the experiences of people with disabilities? Barbara Schmitz poses this questio...

Filosofické a biografické přístupy

published: march 2024
recommended price: 280 czk


Kmitání, vlnění a akustika

Kmitání, vlnění a akustika

Vesecká, Jaroslava

The textbook is aimed at foreign students who are preparing for the study of physics at Czech universities. In its scope it corresponds t...

Fyzika pro zahraniční studenty

published: march 2024
recommended price: 165 czk

Transnacionální poetika

Transnacionální poetika

Ramazani, Jahan

The image of poetry as a culturally homogeneous and purely national phenomenon is not sustainable, and Jahan Ramazani, professor of Engli...

published: march 2024
recommended price: 420 czk
