Minerva 1890–1936

Minerva 1890–1936

Sekyrková, Milada (ed.)

The chronicle of the Minerva Grammar School covers approximately the first half century (1890–1936) of the existence of this secondary sc...

Kronika prvního dívčího gymnázia v habsburské monarchii

published: september 2016
recommended price: 450 czk


Vera mundi lumina

Vera mundi lumina

Maroszová, Jana (ed.)

German baroque sermons written in the Czech Lands represent one of the little researched areas of the philosophy and history of theology....

Výbor dominikánských barokních kázání

published: august 2016
recommended price: 420 czk


Spolupráce napříč tradicemi

Spolupráce napříč tradicemi

Kolmaš, Michal

Basic concepts and notions used in the field of international relations and applied world-wide are based on the main pillars of the Weste...

Západní multilateralismus v západním a japonském kontextu

published: august 2016
recommended price: 190 czk




Králová, KateřinaKubátová, Hana (ed.)

The end of World War II is often seen as the end of violence, the beginning of peace and a return to normal life. Coming Back. The Post-w...

Poválečná rekonstrukce židovských komunit v zemích středovýchodní, jihovýchodní a východní Evropy

published: august 2016
recommended price: 440 czk


The Prague of Charles IV

The Prague of Charles IV

Royt, Jan

This publication, written by Czech professor of art history Jan Royt, renders a vivid image of the capital of the Bohemian Kingdom in the...

published: august 2016
recommended price: 450 czk
