Sociální fotografie

Sociální fotografie

Jurgenson, Nathan

The photographs we are constantly taking and sharing form our social connections, reflect on and transform the social hierarchy and even ...

O fotografii a sociálních médiích

published: september 2022
recommended price: 250 czk


Farmaceutická chemie

Farmaceutická chemie

Zimčík, Petr a kol.

This textbook is primarily intended for students of the Pharmacy study program for practical exercises in the subjects Pharmaceutical Che...

Návody k praktickým cvičením

published: august 2022
recommended price: 130 czk


Proč tak snadno...

Proč tak snadno...

Možný, Ivo

The fourth edition of this sociological essay written in the history-making months of the years 1989 and 1990 is being published thirty-t...

Některé rodinné důvody sametové revoluce

published: august 2022
recommended price: 220 czk


Město v bouři

Město v bouři

Biegel, Richard

This book presents the urbanistic and architectonic fates of the historical center of Prague during period when it changed from a picture...

Urbanismus a architektura historického centra Prahy 1830–1970

published: august 2022
recommended price: 2400 czk
