

Koukolík, František

We make many different decisions: aesthetic, economic, legal, moral, political, tactical and strategic, social and religious. We make dec...

published: november 2020
recommended price: 290 czk


Mor 1480–1730

Mor 1480–1730

Černý, Karel

The plague, which arrived during the 1340s, foreshadowed a long period of recurring deadly epidemics. None were exempt from the danger, ...

Epidemie v lékařských traktátech raného novověku

published: october 2020
recommended price: 420 czk


Záhada nemoci Karla IV.

Záhada nemoci Karla IV.

Ramba, Jiří

In this collection of papers, which were previously published in journals and in books, experienced facial traumatologist Jiří Ramba pres...

Osobnosti českých dějin z perspektivy obličejové chirurgie

published: september 2020
recommended price: 330 czk
