Aramejština knihy Zohar

Aramejština knihy Zohar

Kohout, Ivan

This monograph, entitled The Aramaic of the Book of Zohar, presents the essential morphological phenomena of the Aramaic language used in...

published: october 2021
recommended price: 110 czk


The Torah / Law Is a Journey

The Torah / Law Is a Journey

Procházková, Ivana

The Old Testament is rich in metaphor. Metaphorical expressions appear not only in places where you might expect them, like the poetic ve...

Using Cognitive and Culturally Oriented Linguistics to Interpret and Translate Metaphors in the Hebrew Bible

published: july 2021
recommended price: 490 czk




Kundra, Ondřej

Famed Czech Avant-garde photographer Jan Lukas snapped an offhand portrait of twelve-year-old Vendulka Vogl in March 1943. A friend of th...

Flight to Freedom

published: february 2021
recommended price: 320 czk
