Ženy v politice

Ženy v politice

Kočišková, Jana

After World War II, Czechoslovak female politicians continued the First-Republic tradition of active political participation of their pre...

Role a postavení vrcholných političek v Československu 1948–1968

published: april 2022
recommended price: 450 czk


Hotel Alcron

Hotel Alcron

Štemberk, JanJakubec, Ivan

Hotel Alcron became synonymous with and was a symbol of the Czech hotel industry. As a company, it is exceptional, because it survived al...

K dějinám symbolu českého a československého hotelnictví

published: april 2022
recommended price: 180 czk


Staroměstská exekuce

Staroměstská exekuce

Petráň, Josef

Josef Petráň opens his book Old Town Execution with the depiction of the gory drama that took place in the Old Town Square on June 21, 16...

published: march 2022
recommended price: 390 czk


Uprostřed Evropy

Uprostřed Evropy

Šmahel, František

This book consists of 28 essays in which the author approaches the historical role of the Czech lands in the context of late medieval cen...

České země na konci středověku

published: march 2022
recommended price: 590 czk


Hledání souvislostí

Hledání souvislostí

Hroch, Miroslav

This book is not intended merely for historians, it will be of interest to anyone who likes to see history not just as a vivid mosaic of ...

Eseje z komparativních dějin Evropy

published: march 2022
recommended price: 365 czk


Za hranice služebně

Za hranice služebně

Krátká, LenkaMücke, Pavel (ed.)

This book covers the hitherto neglected question of foreign business trips in the period of people’s democratic and later socialist Czech...

Pracovní cesty z Československa do zahraničí v letech 1945 až 1989

published: january 2022
recommended price: 520 czk


Dějiny Polska

Dějiny Polska

Kosman, Marceli

Polish historian Marceli Kosman (* 1940), a professor of history and political sciences at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, is o...

published: january 2022
recommended price: 460 czk
