The Parisian Summit, 1377–78

The Parisian Summit, 1377–78

Šmahel, František

The Czech king and Roman Emperor Charles IV met with the French king Charles V in Paris in 1378. Reconstructing the journey to this meeti...

Emperor Charles IV and King Charles V of France

published: january 2015
recommended price: 432 czk


The Birth of the State

The Birth of the State

Charvát, Petr

In the book titled Birth of the State, readers learn what researchers nowadays think about the rise and stabilization of the oldest state...

Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China

published: september 2013
recommended price: 385 czk


Teologie ve stínu

Teologie ve stínu

Novotný, Vojtěch

This collection of essays outlines selected historical facts about the Catholic theological reflection in the Czech Lands in the second h...

Prolegomena k dějinám české katolické teologie druhé poloviny 20. století

published: march 2007
recommended price: 200 czk

Temný kontinent

Temný kontinent

Mazower, Mark

Mark Mazower’s Europe is not a continent of old countries and nations, but in many respects, it is very new and in the course of the 20th...

Evropa ve 20. století

published: may 2019
recommended price: 450 czk


Tázání po dějinném

Tázání po dějinném

Kučera, Martin

The book consists of ten chapters. The first four texts include a Heideggerian comprehensive quest for meaning, in this case history (tim...

published: january 2012
recommended price: 285 czk
