Odkaz rychtáře Vaváka

Odkaz rychtáře Vaváka

Kučera, Martin (ed.)

The reeve from Milčice in the Poděbrady district, František Jan Vavák (1741–1816), was one of the most important rural popular scripturis...

Příspěvky k životopisu velkého písmáka

published: january 2018
recommended price: 270 czk


Public Policy

Public Policy

Potůček, Martin et al.

The publication is primarily intended for international students of public policy. It represents an original contribution to the existing...

A Comprehensive Introduction

published: december 2017
recommended price: 450 czk




Svatoňová, KateřinaKrtilová, Kateřina (ed.)

While the center of interest of the European philosophical tradition is primarily concerned with the appearance of things, theory and phi...

Fenomény, mediální praktiky a techniky na prahu zjevného

published: november 2017
recommended price: 320 czk
