Lyrická gesta

Lyrická gesta

Rabaté, Dominique

With its entry into the world a poem creates the space in which it finds itself. By means of lyrical gestures it poses questions, opens, ...

published: march 2023
recommended price: 260 czk


Lyrická poezie

Lyrická poezie

Blasingová, Mutlu Konuk

Mutlu Konuk Blasing, an American scholar of Turkish origin, investigates the nature of the lyric subject and its relation to poetic langu...

Bolest a slast slov

published: november 2023
recommended price: 370 czk


Magie slova a textu

Magie slova a textu

Tolstoj, Nikita Iljič

Ethnolinguistics is most frequently characterized as a science focusing on the relationship between the language and culture. This broad ...

Moskevská etnolingvistická škola

published: january 2016
recommended price: 180 czk


Majstr a Małgorzata

Majstr a Małgorzata

Klípa, Ondřej

This study addresses one of partial political and economic phenomena of the postwar period – labor migration in a socialist society. It f...

Polky v továrnách ČSSR

published: april 2021
recommended price: 250 czk


Making the Most of Tomorrow

Making the Most of Tomorrow

Spurný, Matěj

Most, one of the most impressive historical cities of Northern Bohemia, was destroyed in the sixties and seventies for coal mining. When ...

A Laboratory of Socialist Modernity in Czechoslovakia

published: march 2019
recommended price: 520 czk
