Sociální fotografie

Sociální fotografie

Jurgenson, Nathan

The photographs we are constantly taking and sharing form our social connections, reflect on and transform the social hierarchy and even ...

O fotografii a sociálních médiích

published: september 2022
recommended price: 250 czk


Snímání rámu

Snímání rámu

Ritchin, Fred

Photojournalism has captured world events hoping to have an effect on the consciousness of the society. The availability of billions of p...

Fotožurnalismus, občan, dokument

published: september 2019
recommended price: 290 czk


Smrt a zmrtvýchvstání národa

Smrt a zmrtvýchvstání národa

Nekula, Marek

This monograph focuses on the phenomenon of Slavín, and presents it as a formative point in the national discourse, in which the present ...

Sen o Slavíně v české literatuře a kultuře

published: january 2017
recommended price: 460 czk




Dasturová, Françoise

Man knows that he must one day die and this awareness represents one of the main characteristics of humanity; the aim of religion, metaph...

Esej o konečnosti

published: november 2017
recommended price: 280 czk
