Co se chce říct mluvením

Co se chce říct mluvením

Bourdieu, Pierre

This book by a prominent French sociologist, whose reflections also had a fundamental influence on aesthetics, literary history and many ...

Ekonomie jazykové směny

published: december 2014
recommended price: 200 czk


Co je ironická věda

Co je ironická věda

Vörös, István

István Vörös, a Hungarian Czech scholar, literary scientist, aesthetician and university professor, is primarily a poet, although his fic...

published: may 2017
recommended price: 360 czk


Co drží společnost pohromadě?

Co drží společnost pohromadě?

Německý, Marek

Issues concerning social integration and social order in general are not among the accentuated topics in contemporary social science disc...

Pojetí societální komunity a konstitutivního symbolismu u Talcotta Parsonse, Richarda Müncha a Jeffreyho Alexandera

published: september 2015
recommended price: 240 czk


Clinical Biochemistry

Clinical Biochemistry

Rajdl, Daniel a kol.

Clinical Biochemistry textbook covers in its 39 chapters all important topics of modern clinical biochemistry. From preanalytical influen...

published: november 2016

Cizinec v tvých branách

Cizinec v tvých branách

Štica, Petr

This monograph reflects on the acceptance of foreigners in the light of Biblical texts, from which it draws impulses for ethical approach...

Biblické podněty pro etickou reflexi migrace

published: february 2011
recommended price: 145 czk
