Teologická reflexe (Theological Reflection) is a peer-reviewed journal for theology that has been published continuously since 1995 (archive of the issues from 1995–2023). It publishes the results of original research in the fields of biblical studies, systematic, historical, practical and ecumenical theology, theological ethics and church history, as well as philosophy, religious studies, social work and other disciplines where they have an overlap with theology.

The journal focuses on the reflection and interpretation of biblical and Christian tradition, the experience of Christian faith, the processes of its communication and faith-motivated action in present and past social contexts. In addition to original research studies, it also publishes scholarly review articles and book reviews.

It is published twice a year in print and online (open access). It accepts articles in Czech, Slovak, English or German.

TEOLOGICKÁ REFLEXE, Vol 30 No 2 (2024), 129–145

„Zjevení Božího hněvu.“ Poznámky k výkladu Ř 1,18–32

[“Revelation of God’s Wrath.” Notes on the Interpretation of Rom 1:18–32]

Jan Roskovec

DOI: https://doi.org/10.14712/27880796.2024.9
published online: 20. 01. 2025


The moral judgments that Paul makes in Romans 1 must be interpreted in context, i.e. in light of the intent that Paul follows throughout the section on “the revelation of the wrath of God.” In a kind of black-and-white pattern, he describes human condition of need, the core of which he sees in the erroneous substitution of the created for the Creator, as a result of which man comes into conflict with himself. Paul depicts this as a parody on the creation account in Gen 1. In this context, he presents homoerotic behaviour as a manifestation of arbitrariness. Obviously, this argument is only possible if one views homosexuality as the behaviour of heterosexually oriented individuals.

keywords: Letter to the Romans; homosexuality; theology of Paul; Jews and Gentiles; hamartology; redemption; image of God

Creative Commons License
„Zjevení Božího hněvu.“ Poznámky k výkladu Ř 1,18–32 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

148 x 210 mm
periodicity: 2 x per year
print price: 79 czk
ISSN: 1211-1872
E-ISSN: 2788-0796
