Teologická reflexe publishes original studies, review articles and book reviews in Czech, Slovak, English and German. If authors submit an article in a language other than their mother tongue, they must have it proofread by a native speaker.


Submissions should be sent electronically to the editorial address: reflexe@etf.cuni.cz in text format doc, docx or rtf.

Review policy

All studies and articles published in Teologická reflexe must be relevant to the journalʼs professional focus and successfully pass a double blind peer-review process. The conditions for admission to the peer review process are that the paper has not been previously published, is not simultaneously offered to another journal, and follows the guidelines for authors. The editors send an anonymized version of the paper to two independent experts for review. Upon receipt of the reviews, the editors inform the author of the outcome (acceptance without reservations, acceptance with reservations, or rejection). In the case of acceptance with reservations, the author is invited to respond to the reviewersʼ recommendations and to revise the manuscript accordingly.


Before being sent to the press, the authors are sent the typeset texts for final proofreading. At this stage, only minor changes to the text are allowed. Authors are obliged to proofread and send their texts back to the editor without delay.

Studies and articles

The normal length of the article is 25 000 to 40 000 characters, including spaces and footnotes. The possibility of larger lengths should be consulted with the editors.

The submission must be structured as follows:

– Title: in the language of the article

– Name of the author(s)

– Title in English: if the article is in English, then there is no need

– Abstract in English: 800–1000 characters

– Keywords in English: 4 to 6 words

– The main text: it is recommended to divide it into sections marked with a heading. Headings are not numbered. Hierarchical subdivision may be expressed in italics or in smaller type. For footnotes, the automatic function of the word processor is used. The prescribed citation style (see below) should be followed.

– Correspondence address of the author: name and surname including titles, name of institution, street no., postal code city, country, e-mail.

Book reviews

The normal length of the review is 6000 to 13 000 characters including footnotes.

The submission must be structured as follows:

– Title: consists of the bibliographic data of the book under review in the following form: authorʼs name and surname: title of the book, place of publication: publisher, year, number of pages. ISBN XXX

– Main text

– Authorʼs name

References to the book under review are given directly in the text in round brackets; references to other books and articles are placed in footnotes.

Text format

In your manuscript, use the default paragraph style (Times New Roman, 12 pt font). Do not use bold font. Italics may be used to emphasize important concepts and foreign terms.

Quotations are indicated by quotation marks, not italics.

Hierarchy of quotation marks: “quote ‘embedded quote’ continuation of the main quote”.

Words or quotations in Greek and Hebrew should be in the appropriate alphabet, either Times New Roman or SBL Greek / SBL Hebrew fonts (downloadable from: https://www.sbl-site.org/educational/biblicalfonts.aspx).

Create pat notes with style: Footnotes; font Times New Roman, 10 pt. In the first footnote (linked to the title of the article) you can indicate the affiliation of the article to the relevant programme or project within which the text was written.

Distinguish between a dash (–) and a hyphen (-). The dash is used e.g. between page numbers, the hyphen in compound words.

Examples of citation style

References to the bibliography are given in the footnotes. Use the full bibliographic reference at the first occurrence, the abbreviated form at the next, or the same if the reference to the same source immediately follows. Always check that the cited document has a DOI and, where appropriate, include this identifier after the citation as follows: doi: xxx-xxxx.


– Paul Filipi, Christianity. History, statistics, characteristics of Christian churches, Brno: CDK,4 2012, 17.

– Jan Feddersen – Philipp Gessler, Phrase unser. Die blutleere Sprache der Kirche, München: Claudius Verlag, 2020, 94.

Next occurences:

– Filipi, Christianity, 14.

– Feddersen – Gessler, Phrase unser, 34.

Edited books and translations

– Erwin Mühlhaupt (ed.), D. Martin Luther’s Evangelienauslegungen, Bd. 2. Das Matthäusevangelium (Matthäus 3–25), Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht,4 1973, 69.

– Stanley Hauerwas – Samuel Wells (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Christian Ethics, Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Publ.2 2011, 150.

– Jakub Bílek, Jan Augusta in the Years of Solitude, ed. F. Bednář, Prague: Jan Laichter, 1942.

– Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Ethics, trans. Bohuslav Vik, Prague: Kalich, 2007, 17.

Next occurences:

– Mühlhaupt (ed.), D. Martin Luther’s Evangelienauslegungen, 399.

– Hauerwas – Wells (eds.), The Blackwell Companion, 134.

– Bílek, Jan Augusta, 53.

– Bonhoeffer, Ethics, 27.

Monograph chapters

– Christian Link, Unsterblichkeit der Seele – Auferstehung des Leibes, in: Friedrich Hermanni – Thomas Buchheim (eds.), Das Leib-Seele-Problem, Munich: Wilhelm Fink, 2006, 223–238.

– Josef Smolík, Die Exodusgemeinde, in: the same, Erbe im Heute. Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Kirchengeschichte, Berlin: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 1982, 133–137, 134n.

Next occurences:

– Link, Unsterblichkeit der Seele, 225.

– Smolík, Die Exodusgemeinde, 135.

Journal articles

– Dávid Cielontko, Herod, the Jews and his opponents, Theological Reflection 28 (2022/2), 170–193, doi: 10.14712/27880796.2022.2.4

Next occurences:

– Cielontko, Herod, the Jews and his Opponents, 172.

Electronic resources

Name of author, title: subtitle [type of medium], [date of citation], availability.

Infogram: Portal for Promoting Information Literacy [online], [accessed 30. 11. 2017], available from: http://www.infogram.cz.

Open access policy

Teologická reflexe is an open access journal, which means that all content is freely available on the journal’s website. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, or link to the full text of articles in this journal, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without needing prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

Copyright Notice

The journal applies the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License to articles and other works we publish. If you submit your paper for publication by Teologická reflexe, you agree to have the CC BY license applied to your work. The journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright without restrictions.

Author fees and honoraria

The journal does not charge any fees for the acceptance of articles for peer review, editorial processing and publication. Contributions to Teologická reflexe are not honored; the author receives one author’s copy. There is also no charge for the preparation of peer reviews.

148 x 210 mm
periodicity: 2 x per year
print price: 79 czk
ISSN: 1211-1872
E-ISSN: 2788-0796