Teologická reflexe (Theological Reflection) is a peer-reviewed journal for theology that has been published continuously since 1995 (archive of the issues from 1995–2023). It publishes the results of original research in the fields of biblical studies, systematic, historical, practical and ecumenical theology, theological ethics and church history, as well as philosophy, religious studies, social work and other disciplines where they have an overlap with theology.

The journal focuses on the reflection and interpretation of biblical and Christian tradition, the experience of Christian faith, the processes of its communication and faith-motivated action in present and past social contexts. In addition to original research studies, it also publishes scholarly review articles and book reviews.

It is published twice a year in print and online (open access). It accepts articles in Czech, Slovak, English or German.

TEOLOGICKÁ REFLEXE, Vol 30 No 1 (2024), 3–14

K problematice stejnopohlavních vztahů: Manželství a partnerství

[On the Problem of Same-Sex Relations: Marriage and Partnership ]

Petr Gallus

DOI: https://doi.org/10.14712/27880796.2024.1
published online: 17. 09. 2024


The article is based on the differentiation between marriage as the institutional dimension and partnership as the relational dimension of an intimate relation of two people. While marriage is a historically changing and multiform social institution, an intimate partnership is a phenomenon permanently present in the history. Based on the modern deeper understanding of human nature including homosexuality as an “other normal”, the article shows that the category of partnership can and should be opened to same-sex relations as well. These – as any other intimate relationships – cannot be reduced to sexual dimension only. And precisely therefore, it is not possible to apply any biblical mentions of same-sex intercourse to this debate, because the biblical testimonies do not know homosexuality in the contemporary meaning and speak only about same-sex intercourse without any relational framing. From the perspective of today’s responsible theological stance, there is thus no argument that would hinder to support the same-sex relations and their formal institutional framing also by the churches.

keywords: Marriage; partnership; homosexuality; Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren

Creative Commons License
K problematice stejnopohlavních vztahů: Manželství a partnerství is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

148 x 210 mm
periodicity: 2 x per year
print price: 79 czk
ISSN: 1211-1872
E-ISSN: 2788-0796
