Právněhistorické studie / Legal History Studies (Charles University journal; below referred to as PHS or Journal) is a scientific journal listed in the international prestigious database SCOPUS. The journal is published by Charles University in Prague under the guarantee of the Department of Legal History of the Faculty of Law of Charles University. It is published by the Karolinum Press. The journal focuses on the field of legal history and related topics.

Issue 1 of the Journal was published by the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Publishing in June 1955. The Journal was initially published by the Cabinet of Legal History of the Czechoslovak Academy of Science (CSAV), later by the Institute of State and Law (CSAV) and then by the Institute of Legal History of the Faculty of Law of Charles University.

PHS is issued three times a year in April, August, and December and it presents original scientific works/papers as well as reviews, annotations and news from the scientific field of legal history. It also introduces annotated texts of a legal history nature. PHS accepts manuscripts from domestic as well as foreign authors. Manuscripts submitted by foreign authors are published in original language, namely in English, Slovak, German, French, Italian or Polish.

PHS (ISSN 0079-4929) is registered in the Czech national ISSN centre (supervised by the State Technical Library). The Journal is registered by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic according to Act No. 46/2000 Sb., on Rights and Liabilities for the Publishing of Periodicals and Change of Some Acts (Press Act), and it is allocated with registration number of periodical press MK E 18813.

PHS is an open journal and ensures open access to scientific data (Open Access). The entire content is released as open to the public on the web pages of the journal.

The journal is archived in Portico.

PRÁVNĚHISTORICKÉ STUDIE, Vol 54 No 2 (2024), 141–156

Založení oltáře sv. Kříže v katedrálním kostele v Litomyšli ve světle notářského instrumentu z roku 1417. Pramenná edice

[The Foundation of the Altar of the Holy Cross in the Cathedral Church in Litomyšl According to Notarial Instrument from 1417. Source Edition]

Pavel Krafl

published online: 24. 09. 2024


The aim of the article is to present deeds relating to the foundation of the Altar of the Holy Cross in the cathedral church in Litomyšl. The main source on the topic is an original deed issued by Šimon of Prague, vicar general and officialis of the Bishopric of Litomyšl, dated 27 November 1417, written by the public notary Havel Duchek of Lysá. The document is deposited in the State District Archives in Svitavy, seated in Litomyšl, under inventory number 34. In 1397, Jan, called Mladeč of Branná, bequeathed the sum of one hundred schock of groschen to the cathedral church in Litomyšl for the foundation of a new altar for the salvation of his soul. He was already ill by this time. On 16 June 1402, Bishop of Litomyšl Jan IV. Železný issued a deed which created a new altar benefice in the cathedral church in Litomyšl. Jan Mladeč had already passed away. The executors of his last will were Bishop of Litomyšl Jan IV. Železný and Petr and Přibík, brothers of Hrochův Týnec, otherwise from Chroustovice. This follows from a joint deed issued by all three on 18 April 1405. The conditions to be met by the holder of the altar benefice were laid down therein. He was to perform his duties personally or through another suitable priest, and a statement is made on precisely how many masses were to be celebrated during the week. The study is accompanied by an edition of four deeds relating to the foundation of the altar: a deed of 16 June 1402, a deed of 18 April 1405, a notarial copy of both deeds drawn up on 16 May [1405, 1406 or 1408], and a notarial copy of the latter deed drawn up on 27 November 1417.

keywords: notarial instrument; altar; foundation; cathedral church; Litomyšl bishopric; source edition; Middle Ages; Kingdom of Bohemia

references (11)

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8. KRAFL, P. - MUTLOVÁ, P. - STEHLÍKOVÁ, D. Řeholní kanovníci sv. Augustina v Lanškrouně. Dějiny a diplomatář kláštera. Práce Historického ústav AV ČR, řada B Editiones, sv. 7. Praha: Historický ústav, 2010.

9. NUHLÍČEK, J. Veřejní notáři v českých městech, zvláště v městech pražských až do husitské revoluce. Praha: Scriptorium, 2011.

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Creative Commons License
Založení oltáře sv. Kříže v katedrálním kostele v Litomyšli ve světle notářského instrumentu z roku 1417. Pramenná edice is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

240 x 170 mm
periodicity: 3 x per year
print price: 250 czk
ISSN: 0079-4929
E-ISSN: 2464-689X
