Právněhistorické studie / Legal History Studies (Charles University journal; below referred to as PHS or Journal) is a scientific journal listed in the international prestigious database SCOPUS. The journal is published by Charles University in Prague under the guarantee of the Department of Legal History of the Faculty of Law of Charles University. It is published by the Karolinum Press. The journal focuses on the field of legal history and related topics.

Issue 1 of the Journal was published by the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Publishing in June 1955. The Journal was initially published by the Cabinet of Legal History of the Czechoslovak Academy of Science (CSAV), later by the Institute of State and Law (CSAV) and then by the Institute of Legal History of the Faculty of Law of Charles University.

PHS is issued three times a year in April, August, and December and it presents original scientific works/papers as well as reviews, annotations and news from the scientific field of legal history. It also introduces annotated texts of a legal history nature. PHS accepts manuscripts from domestic as well as foreign authors. Manuscripts submitted by foreign authors are published in original language, namely in English, Slovak, German, French, Italian or Polish.

PHS (ISSN 0079-4929) is registered in the Czech national ISSN centre (supervised by the State Technical Library). The Journal is registered by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic according to Act No. 46/2000 Sb., on Rights and Liabilities for the Publishing of Periodicals and Change of Some Acts (Press Act), and it is allocated with registration number of periodical press MK E 18813.

PHS is an open journal and ensures open access to scientific data (Open Access). The entire content is released as open to the public on the web pages of the journal.

The journal is archived in Portico.

PRÁVNĚHISTORICKÉ STUDIE, Vol 53 No 2 (2023), 101–136

Ohlédnutí za Velkou Prahou

[Legal Establishment of Greater Prague]

Ivana Bláhová

published online: 31. 10. 2023


The paper deals with the legal aspects of the establishment of the so-called Greater Prague, i.e., the merger of neighbouring municipalities with the capital of the Czechoslovak Republic in 1922. The introduction briefly outlines the efforts to merge Prague with its suburbs dating from the mid-19th century until 1918. The following section focuses on the activities of the National Assembly on the establishment of Greater Prague. In addition to the establishment and the membership of the Greater Prague Committee, parliamentary papers related to the creation of Greater Prague are described and analysed. Parliamentary papers 719 and 1216, which included government bills to merge neighbouring municipalities and settlements into the City of Prague, a bill on elections to the Metropolitan Council and a bill on the organisation and powers of the Metropolitan Council and local committees, are discussed in detail. From a comparison of the government proposals, the amendments proposed by parliamentary committees and the text of the laws adopted, it is possible to deduce the general tendencies of the relationship between the state administration and local government at the beginning of the Czechoslovak Republic. The issues of financing the establishment and operation of the new capital of Czechoslovakia have not gone unnoticed.

keywords: Prague; Greater Prague; legislative procedure; National Assembly; Greater Prague Committee; unification of Prague; election; mayor; Metropolitan Council; local committees; administration; autonomy

references (5)

1. Historický lexikon obcí České republiky 1869-2005. Díl I. Praha: Český statistický úřad, 2006.

2. LEDVINKA, V. - PEŠEK, J. Praha. Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, 2000.

3. SCHELLE, K. - TAUCHEN, J. (eds.). Encyklopedie českých právních dějin, XX. svazek Vá - Volba. Plzeň: Aleš Čeněk, 2020.

4. Společná česko-slovenská digitální parlamentní knihovna, Národní shromáždění Republiky československé (1918-1920). [online]. Dostupné na: <>.

5. VOJTÍŠEK, V. (ed.). Praha v obnoveném státě československém. Praha: Obecní důchody, 1936.

Creative Commons License
Ohlédnutí za Velkou Prahou is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

240 x 170 mm
periodicity: 3 x per year
print price: 250 czk
ISSN: 0079-4929
E-ISSN: 2464-689X
