Praehistorica is an academic journal specializing in the archaeology of Central Europe. The journal has been published since 1938. It focuses on topics covering the period from prehistory to early modern history.
PRAEHISTORICA, Vol 33 No 1 (2017), 71–83
Korelace kultur doby popelnicových polí v českých zemích a jejich okolí
[Correlation of the Urnfield cultures in Czech lands and their vicinity]
Jan Bouzek
published online: 16. 03. 2017
The article summarizes the results of studies of the Lusatian and Silesian cultures and their neighbours by the jubilee, notably of those projects conducted in fruitful collaboration with the undersigned, including the yet unsolved aspects. It sketches the possible ways to reach new targets in the fields of refining comparative chronologies of the Urnfield cultures in Czech lands and their vicinity, of houses, organisation of settlements and cemeteries, changing density of population in the frame of several climatic changes, Cimmerian raids and more or less successful adaptations to challenges.
keywords: lužická, slezská a slezsko-platěnická, knovízská kultura – vztahy – sídliště – pohřebiště – srovnávací chronologie
Korelace kultur doby popelnicových polí v českých zemích a jejich okolí is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
210 x 297 mm
periodicity: 2 x per year
ISSN: 0231-5432
E-ISSN: 2570-7213