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HISTORICKÁ SOCIOLOGIE, Vol 11 No 2 (2019), 141–155

Štátotvorné úvahy Uhro-Rusínov na konci 1. svetovej vojny – príklon k Československej republike

[State-Building Considerations of Uhro-Rusins at the End of World War I – Inclination towards the Czechoslovak Republic]

Alexander Onufrák

DOI: https://doi.org/10.14712/23363525.2019.21
published online: 02. 12. 2019


In the study, the author tries to explain the socio-political attitudes of the Uhro-Rusins towards the Czechoslovak Republic in the early stages of its origin. The author also attempts to point to several possibilities of co-existence of the Uhro-Rusins in other potential variants, whether as a part of Hungary, independent Ukraine or Russia. One of the variants was also the establishing of an independent state of Uhro-Rusins. Since the American Rusins have played a significant role in this process, the author also deals extensively with the importance and role of the American National Council of Uhro-Rusins and G. I. Žatkovič, who later became the first governor of the Sub-Carpathian Rus. The study is primary based on the historical texts of the main actors of the American National Council of Uhro-Rusins (in particular G. I. Žatkovič, J. G. Gardoš and A. Pop), and secondary on the papers of renowned historians such as P. R. Magocsi, P. Švorc, I. Pop, S. Konečný and others.

keywords: The American National Council of Uhro-Rusins; The Czechoslovak Republic; Uhro-Rus; Uhro-Rusins; G. I. Žatkovič; J. G. Gardoš; Czechoslovak Republic

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Štátotvorné úvahy Uhro-Rusínov na konci 1. svetovej vojny – príklon k Československej republike is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

230 x 157 mm
periodicity: 2 x per year
print price: 120 czk
ISSN: 1804-0616
E-ISSN: 2336-3525
