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HISTORICKÁ SOCIOLOGIE, Vol 10 No 2 (2018), 65–82

UNRRA a uprchlická krize po druhé světové válce. Operace „Displaced persons“

[UNRRA and the Displaced Persons operation after WWII]

Jana Frydryšková Yasin

DOI: https://doi.org/10.14712/23363525.2018.50
published online: 06. 12. 2018


This paper is dedicated to the UNRRA, the United Nations organization envisioned to deal with the expected consequences of ongoing war including devastation, famine, diseases and mass displacement. As it turned out, tackling the mass displacement was most important and challenging task of UNRRA. Expectations were set high. However, lack of comprehension of challenges raised doubts about UNRRA and its role in whole postwar rehabilitation process. Questions were raised about size and cost of administrative staff, and about their reliability and effectiveness. Did UNRRA had sufficient “know-how” to carry out relief work at global scale? The study of archive material, memoirs and specialized bibliography, and various published articles helps to uncover the reasons behind huge criticism faced by UNRRA.

keywords: displacement; internacionalism; postwar reconstruction process; resocialization; humanitarianism

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Creative Commons License
UNRRA a uprchlická krize po druhé světové válce. Operace „Displaced persons“ is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

230 x 157 mm
periodicity: 2 x per year
print price: 120 czk
ISSN: 1804-0616
E-ISSN: 2336-3525
