AUC Philosophica et Historica (Acta Universitatis Carolinae Philosophica et Historica) is a multidisciplinary academic journal focused on the humanities with more than 50 years of tradition.

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AUC PHILOSOPHICA ET HISTORICA, Vol 2020 No 2 (2020), 239–251

Čáry máry: čáry! Nástrahy vizualizací sítí nejen v horizontálních dějinách umění

[Abracadabra: lines! Pitfalls of network visualizations not only in the horizontal art history]

Tomáš Kolich

published online: 02. 08. 2021


The article analyses the symbolism on network visualizations with a focus on the so-called horizontal art history. It shows that this symbolism can obscure the proper application and assessment of network models. The horizontal art history is particularly prone to this because it is based on a metaphorical juxtaposition (with Western “vertical” art history) which is similar to the juxtaposition that cocreates the network symbolism – (visual) juxtaposition of networks and hierarchies. The article demonstrates effects of this symbolism with the examples of the network diagram from the exhibition Inventing Abstraction, 1910–1925 (MOMA, New York, 2012) and the uncritical acceptance of this diagram by some proponents of the horizontal art history.

keywords: network visualizations; horizontal art history; Piotr Piotrowski; Inventing Abstraction, 1910–1925; Alfred H. Barr; Abstract art; metaphors in science; visual juxtapositions

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Creative Commons License
Čáry máry: čáry! Nástrahy vizualizací sítí nejen v horizontálních dějinách umění is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

periodicity: 2 x per year
ISSN: 0567-8293
E-ISSN: 2464-7055
