AUC Philologica (Acta Universitatis Carolinae Philologica) is an academic journal published by Charles University. It publishes scholarly articles in a large number of disciplines (English, German, Greek and Latin, Oriental, Romance and Slavonic studies, as well as in phonetics and translation studies), both on linguistic and on literary and cultural topics. Apart from articles it publishes reviews of new academic books or special issues of academic journals.

The journal is indexed in CEEOL, DOAJ, EBSCO, and ERIH PLUS.

AUC PHILOLOGICA, Vol 2015 No 2 (2015), 61–76

Fusca sum et decora. The influence of Tyconius on Augustine’s teaching of the ecclesia permixta

Marcela Andoková

published online: 22. 07. 2015


Fusca sum et decora. The influence of Tyconius on Augustine’s teaching of the ecclesia permixta The verse from the Song of Songs, “I am black and beautiful”, quoted by Tyconius in the Rule II of his work Liber regularum, represents a famous passage considered a characteristic of his concept of the bipartite church. The African Donatist lay theologian became famous mostly for his seven rules of the interpretation of Scriptures as well as for his arduous critique of the Donatists who denied the universality of the church and limited her exclusively to the territory of North Africa. The aim of the present article is to analyse to which extent Augustine had got use of Tyconius’s book in the period of his polemic with the Donatists, and whether its reading could, eventually, have stood at the origin of his choice of biblical texts, the ones he commented on as a preacher between the years 406–407. In the selected texts I have observed a certain predilection for a particular set of scriptural quotations used both as an argument and as an illustration to support Augustine’s and Tyconius’s thought concerning the universality of the church. Despite the fact that we have no direct proofs about the inspiration sources of Augustine’s anti-Donatist preaching between the years 406–407, the similarities in the use of scriptural citations used by both authors show that Tyconius’s Book of Rules might have stood at the origin of Augustine’s inspiration and argumentation. However, it does not prove a direct influence of Tyconius on Augustine’s teaching on the ecclesia permixta and on the ecclesiastical tolerance since the bishop of Hippo, unlike Tyconius, does not see the church as a twofold body, rather he understands it as a mixture in which the good and the bad are in time mixed in together. Fusca sum et decora. Tyconiův vliv na Augustinovu nauku o ecclesia permixta Verš z Písně písní „Černá jsem, a přece půvabná“, citovaný u Tyconia v Pravidle II jeho knihy Liber regularum, představuje slavnou pasáž, kterou je možno považovat za základ jeho koncepce dvojité církve (ecclesia bipertita). Africký donatistický laický teolog se proslavil v první řadě svými sedmi pravidly interpretace Písma a zároveň svou neochvějnou kritikou donatistů, kteří popírali univerzalitu církve a omezovali ji výlučně na území severní Afriky. Cílem této studie je prozkoumat, do jaké míry se Tyconiovo chápání vztahu dobrých a zlých v církvi promítá do Augustinova učení o ecclesia permixta a o církevní toleranci v době jeho polemiky s donatisty. Zároveň si klademe otázku, zda četba Liber regularum mohla být zdrojem Augustinova výběru biblických textů, které jako kazatel komentoval na přelomu let 406–407. I při zběžném čtení jsou totiž patrné určité paralely v používání stejných biblických textů u obou autorů. Jejich srovnání ukazuje, že i když Augustinus od Tyconia a jeho biblické hermeneutiky zachovával odstup, přesto jej v době kontroverze s donatisty hojně cituje a ve své argumentaci přebírá z jeho díla biblické obrazy často citované doslovně. Zásadní výjimku představuje rozdílný způsob použití biblického citátu fusca sum et decora u obou autorů, který potvrzuje jejich rozdílné chápání ecclesia bipertita a ecclesia permixta.

keywords: Tyconius; The Book of Rules; biblical hermeneutics; Saint Augustine; ecclesia permixta; ecclesiastical tolerance; the Donatist Church

230 x 157 mm
periodicity: 3 x per year
print price: 150 czk
ISSN: 0567-8269
E-ISSN: 2464-6830
