Acta Universitatis Carolinae Iuridica (AUC Iuridica) is a legal journal published since 1955, which presents longer essays as well as short articles on topics relevant for legal theory and international, European and Czech law. It also publishes works concerning current legislative problems.

Although intended primarily for domestic audience, AUC Iuridica is useful also for foreign experts, who can take advantage of summaries in foreign languages (English, German and French) and key words, which are systematically added to the main articles and essays.

The published articles are subject to peer reviews. If necessary, reviewed texts are sent back to the author for revision.

AUC Iuridica accepts contributions from any contributor on any current legal topic.

The journal is registered in the Czech National Bibliography (kept by the National Library of the Czech Republic) and in the Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (kept by the American Association of Law Libraries).

In 2021 the journal AUCI was the first journal of the Faculty of Law of Charles University to be included in the prestigious international database SCOPUS. This Elsevier database is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature in the world. The editors of the journal expect from the inclusion in the elite SCOPUS database not only an increase in the readership of the journal, but also an increase in interest in the publication of papers by both Czech and foreign authors.

The journal is archived in Portico.

AUC IURIDICA, Vol 58 No 1 (2012), 99–107

Povaha Smlouvy o stabilitě, koordinaci a správě v hospodářské a měnové unii sjednávané mezi zeměmi eurozóny z hlediska požadavků stanovených ústavním pořádkem České republiky na proces její ratifikace

[Character of Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union Being Concluded among Eurozone Members in Terms of the Requirements of the Constitutional Order of the Czech Republic on the Process of Its Ratification]

Aleš Gerloch

published online: 01. 02. 2015


Character of Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union Being Concluded among Eurozone Members in Terms of the Requirements of the Constitutional Order of the Czech Republic on the Process of Its Ratification The submitted opinion concerns the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union in terms of the requirements of the constitutional order of the Czech Republic on the process of its ratification. Since the Treaty itself is negotiated only between the states using the euro as their currency, the author concludes it is not an agreement which would be part of European primary law. It is necessary to consider whether the ratification of the Treaty requires the Parliament to give its consent under the Article 10a or Article 10 of the Czech Constitution. As the fundamental fact author sees that the Treaty establishes a specific decision-making and control mechanisms that are implemented to some extent independently of the existing EU law. If there are included in the Treaty new decision-making procedures, it is necessary to conclude that the treaty has to be classified under Article 10a of the Constitution. Finally, the author also argues in favor of the Article 10a, by the need to protect the fundamental constitutional principles. Second possibility, conform with the Constitution, is to give the consent to ratification in a referendum. I n that case it would be necessary to approve a special constitutional law and the referendum would have to be held in the period after signing the contract, but before its anticipated ratification.

keywords: Treaty on Stability; Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union; European primary law; Ratification procedure; Transmission of competences; International institutions; Integration process; International treaties

Creative Commons License
Povaha Smlouvy o stabilitě, koordinaci a správě v hospodářské a měnové unii sjednávané mezi zeměmi eurozóny z hlediska požadavků stanovených ústavním pořádkem České republiky na proces její ratifikace is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

230 x 157 mm
periodicity: 4 x per year
print price: 65 czk
ISSN: 0323-0619
E-ISSN: 2336-6478
