The journal AUC Historia Universitatis Carolinae Pragensis, subtitled “Příspěvky k dějinám Univerzity Karlovy” (Papers on the History of Charles University), is a periodical devoted not only to the history of the Prague university but also to the history of education and student movement in the Czech lands. The journal, published since 1960 as part of the Acta Universitatis Carolinae series, also publishes essays presenting original historical sources (all texts are accompanied by summaries in foreign languages, mainly in English and German). It regularly publishes reviews and annotations of works on the history of education and annals of research activities.
The journal is archived in Portico.
Málo známá husovská biografie Melchiora Vischera z r. 1940
Jiří Beneš
published online: 15. 09. 2014
Melchior Vischer’s little known biography of Jan Hus (1940) The subject of this contribution is a biography of Jan Hus, written by Melchior Vischer, native of Teplice, and published by him in 1940 in Frankfurt. The author’s aim is to analyse the motives which inspired Vischer to deal with this topic and to provide a characterisation of this work. The article also follows the impact of the book in the context of the WWII and the Nazi ideology, which Vischer with his work opposed. Attention is also paid to the reception this work had received in Bohemia.
keywords: Jan Hus; Melchior Vischer; biography; 1940; Czechs and Germans
157 x 230 mm
periodicity: 2 x per year
print price: 150 czk
ISSN: 0323-0562
E-ISSN: 2336-5730