This series presents important texts on this ever changing and ambiguously defined field of new media. The plural in the title accentuates the methodological pluralism of the field which emerged from the computer revolution at the end of the last century. It aims to offer not only canonical works in the field, but also texts from related areas, such as games studies or digital humanities. This series is intended for students interested in the discipline as well as wider public, which will find information here on the current critical reflections of the transformation of the society related to the omnipresent expansion of information technologies. This series is edited by Mgr. Josef Šlerka.


Serres, Michel

The experience of the young generation represented by Thumbelina is radically different from the experience of her parents and teachers. ...

Esej o digitální revoluci

published: september 2019
recommended price: 150 czk


Geologie médií

Geologie médií

Parikka, Jussi

A Geology of Media is based on the perspective of materialist and Post-Anthropocene thinking, which emphasizes the relationship of cultur...

published: march 2020
recommended price: 290 czk


Grafy, mapy, stromy

Grafy, mapy, stromy

Moretti, Franco

This book strives to explain literary history to those in other fields in the humanities using tools originally developed for different r...

Abstraktní modely literární historie

published: january 2015
recommended price: 160 czk


Metrická společnost

Metrická společnost

Mau, Steffen

The ubiquitous language of evaluation and scoring has fundamentally altered our perception of values and status. The rise of quantificati...

O kvantifikaci sociálna

published: march 2022
recommended price: 280 czk


Sociální fotografie

Sociální fotografie

Jurgenson, Nathan

The photographs we are constantly taking and sharing form our social connections, reflect on and transform the social hierarchy and even ...

O fotografii a sociálních médiích

published: september 2022
recommended price: 250 czk


Čtvrtá revoluce

Čtvrtá revoluce

Floridi, Luciano

The evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT) radically transforms not only how we understand the world and how we co...

Jak infosféra mění tvář lidské reality

published: february 2019
recommended price: 320 czk


Media life

Media life

Deuze, Mark

Media Life presents a comprehensive and original concept of "life in media." Although people usually believe technology to be something e...

Život v médiích

published: april 2016
recommended price: 300 czk
