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Lidé jako my

Antologie současné lotyšské literatury

[People Like Us: An anthology of Latvian literature]

Sedláčková, Anna (ed.)

subjects: fiction
series: Antologie povídek

e-book, 1. edition
translation: Matoušková, Lenka - Hoplíček, Milan - Sedláčková, Anna - Melgalve, Ieva - Dřizga, Naďa - Muroň, Ondřej - Škrabal, Michal - Šelelyová, Denisa
published: september 2024
ISBN: 978-80-246-5940-4
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 250 czk



The anthology presents the prose of eleven contemporary Latvian authors in translations by the emerging generation of Czech scholars of Latvian. The thematically and stylistically diverse short stories, experimental texts and excerpts from novels thematise totalitarian and post-totalitarian experiences of the last half-century that may be familiar to Czech readers. In addition to fragments of obscure stories, narratives of reminiscence and psychologically tense moments, the collection also includes minimalist poetic moments and short tales dominated by absurdist humour. The anthology was compiled and prepared for publication by Anna Sedláčková.
The book was published with the support of the Latvian Literature platform.

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