author’s publications Trnka, Radek (2)

Quantum Anthropology

Quantum Anthropology

Trnka, RadekLorencová, Radmila

The book offers a fresh look on man, cultures, and societies built on the current advances in the fields of quantum mechanics, quantum ph...

Man, Cultures, and Groups in a Quantum Perspective

published: november 2016
recommended price: 240 czk


Lidský obličej

Lidský obličej

Blažek, VladimírTrnka, Radek (ed.)

The book focuses on the human face from psychological, biological and anthropological perspectives. It covers such important areas as the...

Vnímání tváře z pohledu kognitivních, behaviorálních a sociálních věd

published: march 2009
recommended price: 275 czk
