Atletika – Slovník odborných výrazů česko-anglický, anglicko-český
Koudelková, Andrea
published: march 2005
recommended price: 100 czk
Biomechanical Reflection of Human Hypokinetic Stress and Its Identificators
Jelen, Karel et al.The human organism deprivation due to hypokinesis poses a threat to post-industrial society. The deprivation has its origin in fixed hypo...
published: december 2013
recommended price: 270 czk
Body Composition in Soccer
Malá, Lucia – Malý, Tomáš – Zahálka, FrantišekThe publication deals with body composition in soccer and its changes during ontogeny in young soccer players with the aim of improving s...
published: june 2023
recommended price: 260 czk
Body image a pohybové aktivity mládeže
Schlegel, Petr – Fialová, Ludmila
published: january 2023
recommended price: 260 czk
Computerized Adaptive Testing in Kinanthropology
Komarc, MartinThis book aims to introduce the use of computerized adaptive testing (CAT) – a novel and ever increasingly used method of a test administ...
Monte Carlo Simulations Using the Physical Self-Description Questionnaire
published: february 2019
recommended price: 210 czk
Czech Sport Migration
Crossan, WilliamThis book explores the diverse landscape of sport migration across various sports, examining how cultural significance and the global hie...
Push and Pull Variations Between Sports and Cultures
published: august 2024
recommended price: 390 czk
Development of Test Baterries for Diagnostics of Motor Laterality Manifestation
Musálek, MartinThe aim of this book is focused on better understanding of laterality phenomenon and its evaluation. All informations are presented in se...
Link between Cerebellar Dominance and Hand Performance
published: march 2014
recommended price: 260 czk
Didaktika plavání
Čechovská, Irena – Miler, Tomáš (ed.)This publication, work of several scholars from the Department of Swimming Sports, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Charles Unive...
Vybrané kapitoly
published: june 2024
recommended price: 330 czk
Divácká reflexe sportu
Slepička, Pavel a kol.Participation in sports events does not always have to take the form of personal involvement, since for many the passive consumption of s...
published: november 2010
recommended price: 210 czk
Einblick in Sportarten
Pokorná, Eva – Löbel, BarbaraThis language textbook, Einblick in Sportarten, is a sequel to the textbook Grundlagen der Sportsprache from 2014 left off. Like the prev...
Lehrbuch für Sportstudierende
published: november 2020
recommended price: 260 czk