Zelené dějiny světa

Zelené dějiny světa

Ponting, Clive

This book offers a new view of the history of humankind, the rise of great civilizations and the reasons for their collapse. It reveals t...

Životní prostředí a kolaps velkých civilizací

published: may 2018
recommended price: 450 czk


Poznávání života

Poznávání života

Canguilhem, Georges

French epistemology represents a distinctive line of thought within philosophy, represented primarily by Gaston Bachelard with his theory...

published: may 2017
recommended price: 280 czk


Anatomie rostlin

Anatomie rostlin

Votrubová, Olga

Plant Anatomy covers basic information on the structure of plants. Its chapters expand on plant cells, tissues, primary and the secondary...

published: march 2017
recommended price: 150 czk
