Most do budoucnosti

Most do budoucnosti

Spurný, Matěj

In the 1960s and 70s one of the most historically valuable cities in northern Bohemia had to give way to surface coal mining. The new cit...

Laboratoř socialistické modernity na severu Čech

published: may 2016
recommended price: 360 czk


Metabolismus společnosti

Metabolismus společnosti

Hák, Tomáš a kol.

Over the last two centuries, humans have become the dominant force on the planet. Given their dependence on the global ecosystem and serv...

Materiály, energie a ekosystémy

published: july 2015
recommended price: 330 czk


Making the Most of Tomorrow

Making the Most of Tomorrow

Spurný, Matěj

Most, one of the most impressive historical cities of Northern Bohemia, was destroyed in the sixties and seventies for coal mining. When ...

A Laboratory of Socialist Modernity in Czechoslovakia

published: march 2019
recommended price: 520 czk
