Teorie pohádky: Psychoanalýza Karkulky
Kučera, Miloš
published: september 2023
recommended price: 320 czk
Úvod do studia psychologie a sociologie pro zahraniční studenty
Šimáčková, Jana
published: september 2015
recommended price: 160 czk
Výbor z díla
Matějček, ZdeněkThis book contains several dozen articles and lectures from more than fifty-year long professional life of Professor Zdeněk Matějček. The...
published: january 2006
recommended price: 365 czk
Vývojová psychologie
Vágnerová, Marie – Lisá, LidkaA new, augmented publication of this popular book addresses the mental development of individuals during childhood and adolescence. Devel...
Dětství a dospívání
published: december 2021
recommended price: 250 czk
Základy lékařské psychologie pro studenty lékařství
Beran, Jiří – Tumpachová, Naděžda
published: november 2009
recommended price: 190 czk
Základy psycholingvistiky
Fernández, E. M. – Cairns, H. S.Fundamentals of Psycholinguistics presents the key questions in psycholinguistic research. In an engaging, yet easily understandable form...
published: april 2014
recommended price: 315 czk
Ženy s mentálním postižením v roli matek
Bernoldová, Jana – Strnadová, Iva – Adamčíková, ZdeňkaThis monograph focuses on how women with mental disorders experience motherhood and on the factors that affect this experience. The first...
published: july 2019
recommended price: 170 czk