Vývojová psychologie

Vývojová psychologie

Dětství a dospívání

[Developmental Psychology. Childhood and Adolescence]

Vágnerová, MarieLisá, Lidka

subjects: psychology

e-book, 3. edition
published: december 2021
ISBN: 978-80-246-5024-1
e-book formats PDF, epub, mobi
recommended price: 250 czk



A new, augmented publication of this popular book addresses the mental development of individuals during childhood and adolescence. Development is analyzed with respect to personality, following different mental roles as well as the person’s status in the most important social structures. This analysis is complemented by biological aspects.
The book explains which reactions are typical for different periods of human life and brings information on the mental needs of children whose fulfilment or lack thereof affects children’s experience and behavior. The knowledge of developmental psychology also facilitates the understanding of one’s experiences from childhood and adolescence, or in other words, understanding oneself.