Dějiny klasické sociologie

Dějiny klasické sociologie

Keller, Jan

This book presents the history of sociological thought with regard to the transformation that modern society is currently undergoing. The...

published: november 2022
recommended price: 470 czk


Perspektiva vzkříšení

Perspektiva vzkříšení

Gallus, Petr

The Easter confession that Jesus has been resurrected is a foundation for Christian faith as well as for Christian theology. This is why ...

Trinitární christologie

published: november 2022
recommended price: 490 czk


Kdo tu mluvil o vítězství?

Kdo tu mluvil o vítězství?

Matějčková, Tereza

Traditional cultures have exercises which teach people discipline. Even modern philosophers, Hegel, Nietzsche and Kierkegaard paid specia...

Osm cvičení ve filosofické rezignaci

published: november 2022
recommended price: 340 czk
