Univerzita jako úřad?

Univerzita jako úřad?

Sekyrková, Milada

This monograph focuses on the administration of the Prague university and examines typical university documents, covering the period from...

Správní vývoj pražské univerzity od tereziánských reforem do roku 1950 a její písemnosti (s důrazem na období do roku 1850)

published: may 2020
recommended price: 290 czk


Art Nouveau Prague

Art Nouveau Prague

Wittlich, Petr

At the turn of the 20th century, Prague underwent a fundamental transformation: once again, it became a prestigious centre for the life o...

published: april 2020
recommended price: 420 czk


Teorie lyriky

Teorie lyriky

Culler Dwight, Jonathan

Jonathan Culler (* 1944) is one of the most prominent theorist of literature; his Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction (in Czech 20...

published: april 2020
recommended price: 450 czk


Bůh uprostřed své církve

Bůh uprostřed své církve

Roubík, Pavel

This monograph is the first to present work of the Erlangen-based systematic theologian Friedrich Mildenberger. His Biblical Dogmatics in...

Teologie Friedricha Mildenbergera

published: april 2020
recommended price: 490 czk
