

Procházka, Jan

A paranoid thriller of life under surveillance in Communist Czechoslovakia. A deputy minister in the Communist Party, Ludvík enjoys all t...

published: july 2022
recommended price: 280 czk


New Infinitary Mathematics

New Infinitary Mathematics

Vopěnka, Petr

The dominant current of twentieth-century mathematics, which simultaneously explores and applies infinity (albeit in bizarre ideal worlds...

published: august 2022
recommended price: 900 czk


Město v bouři

Město v bouři

Biegel, Richard

This book presents the urbanistic and architectonic fates of the historical center of Prague during period when it changed from a picture...

Urbanismus a architektura historického centra Prahy 1830–1970

published: august 2022
recommended price: 2400 czk
