

Kvapil, Jaroslav

Famous as the libretto for Antonín Dvorák’s opera of the same name, Jaroslav Kvapil’s poem Rusalka is an intriguing work of literature on...

A Lyrical Fairy Tale in Three Acts

published: october 2020
recommended price: 280 czk


Mor 1480–1730

Mor 1480–1730

Černý, Karel

The plague, which arrived during the 1340s, foreshadowed a long period of recurring deadly epidemics. None were exempt from the danger, ...

Epidemie v lékařských traktátech raného novověku

published: october 2020
recommended price: 420 czk


Syntax současné angličtiny

Syntax současné angličtiny

Dušková, Libuše

The first part of this book, A Collection of Texts and Examples for Syntactic Analysis, contains both short and longer texts, while the s...

Sbírka textů a příkladů k syntaktickému rozboru

published: october 2020
recommended price: 105 czk


Původ negativní dialektiky

Původ negativní dialektiky

Buck-Morssová, Susan

This book by American philosopher Susan Buck-Morris traces the formation of the theory of Theodor Adorno, a key representative of the fir...

Theodor W. Adorno, Walter Benjamin a frankfurtský Institut pro sociální výzkum

published: october 2020
recommended price: 450 czk


Česká secese

Česká secese

Wittlich, Petr

In the 1890s, activities of the association of young artists, a result of the „secession” from the traditional art structures, unfolded i...

published: september 2020
recommended price: 1200 czk


Ti, kteří se starají

Ti, kteří se starají

Dragomirecká, Eva a kol.

Is the care for old parents an expected and respected value or is it a handicap that lowers the social status of the care? Is a diagnosis...

Podpora neformální péče o seniory

published: september 2020
recommended price: 350 czk
